Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC)
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
(Date of establishment - December 07, 2011)
<NAAC Certificate of fourth Cycle>
<NAAC 4th Cycle CGPA table>
Video of NAAC Peer Team Visit at Jamia Hamdard _ 18 to 20th July 2023
Schedule of NAAC Peer Team visit at Jamia Hamdard _ 18 to 20th July 2023
To make quality the defining element of Jamia Hamdard through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion, and sustenance initiatives.
The ‘quality statement’ and ‘quality framework’ as stated under are the integral components of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) of Jamia Hamdard approved by the UGC and Registrar of Societies in 2021.
Jamia Hamdard is committed to strive for achieving and sustaining high quality standard in higher education leading to excellence and innovations in selected fields of knowledge and undertaking high quality research for the advancement of knowledge and its dissemination through various research programs undertaken in-house or in collaboration with premier national and international institutes.
Students: To ensure the quality of students, strict adherence to the intake norms of the students to be taken. Only candidates screened through national and state level tests to be selected in various study programs, wherever applicable. Once enrolled, students will be exposed to all realms of their curriculum with adequate knowledge and learning resources at their hands, which facilitates their all-round development as a responsible citizen and professionally competent individual.
Faculty: Faculty quality is core to the quality of students. Jamia Hamdard, while selecting a junior faculty, investigates him/her as a future leader (Professor). Therefore, highest level of quality parameters is applied for faculty recruitment and promotion. Jamia Hamdard also encourages faculty to undertake research in their selected areas of specialization and emphasizes participation in interdisciplinary and collaborative research.
Professional development: The University provides all avenues to its faculty for professional development and to recharge themselves with contemporary development in their fields of interest. Research, innovation, and generation of intellectual property are appropriately incentivized.
Diversity, inclusiveness, and equal opportunity: The University believes in diversity and therefore is open to all irrespective of their background. The diversity of students is not only ensured nationally but also internationally. It also promotes inclusiveness and equal opportunity with special focus on increasing enrollment of girls in its various study programs and providing opportunities to educationally marginalized sections of society such as Indian Muslims.
Innovations, best practices, and technological intervention: The University promotes innovation in teaching and research and lays emphasis on following best practices in administration, teaching, and research. It encourages technological intervention and adoption of newer tool and techniques of knowledge delivery and management.
Ethics: Jamia Hamdard follows high level of ethics in its conduct and ensures that research and teaching is conducted following international ethical standards and transparency.
Environmental consciousness: Jamia Hamdard emulates green technology such as water harvesting, solar energy, waste and water re-cycling and eco-friendly waste management.
Jamia Hamdard attempts to carve out the total quality through a persistent focus on imparting quality education, through its innovative, comprehensive, and flexible education policy. Its Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) carries out activities that encompass all aspects of the University’s functioning.
The IQAC at Jamia Hamdard was constituted on 7th December 2011. Since its establishment it has been performing the following tasks which are based on the NAAC manual on a regular basis:
- Designing and implementing Annual Plans for institution-level activities for quality enhancement.
- Arrange for feedback response from students for quality-related institutional processes.
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
- Retrieval of information on various quality parameters of higher education and best practices followed by other institutions.
- Organization of workshops and seminars on quality-related themes and promotion of quality circles and institution-wide dissemination of proceedings of such activities.
- Development and application of innovative practices in various programs/activities leading to quality enhancement.
- Participation in the creation of learning-centric environment conducive for quality education.
- Work for the development of internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement policies and practices.
- Act as nodal unit of the institution for augmenting quality-related activities.
- Prepare focused Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs).
<Quality Policy>
IQAC Committee
- Chairman IQAC Committee – Prof. M. Afshar Alam, Vice Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard
- Director IQAC – Prof. S. Raisuddin ([email protected])
- Deputy Director IQAC – Prof. M. Shahar Yar ([email protected])
Reconstitution of IQAC Committee (August 2023)
IQAC Staff
1. Dr. Syed Ikmal Murtaza – Consultant
2. Mr. Anish Cherian – Dealing Assistant
3. Mr. Mohd Azam Siddiqui – Consultant
4. Mr. Sharif Khan – Assistant (Contractual)
Intent is Invited for NAAC Margdarshan Programme
<Annual Self Appraisal Report format>
<CAS Promotion Proforma>
<CAS Proforma for Promotion to Senior Professor>
Online Feedback
Online Student Feedback and Students Satisfaction Servey (SSS)
Online Alumni Feedback
Online Parents' Feedback
Online Employers' Feedback
Online Teachers Feedback link
Analysis Report and Questionnaire of Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)
<SSS Analysts - 2023-24>
<SSS Analysts - 2022-23>
<SSS Analysis – 2020-21>
<SSS Analysis – 2019-20>
<SSS Analysis – 2018-19>
IQAC Quality Circle for NIRF, QS and THE rankings, AQAR and AISHE
NIRF Committee - 2024
AQAR Committee - 2024
Approved AQAR 2022-23
< IQAC Core Committee of faculty members>
NAAC Accreditation Certificates
<NAAC Certificate of fourth Cycle>
<NAAC 4th Cycle CGPA table>
<NAAC Certificate_third cycle>
<NAAC_3rd cycle_CGPA table>
<NAAC Certificate_second cycle>
<NAAC Certificate_first cycle>
IQAC Committee Meetings after the third cycle of accreditation (i.e. September 2017 onward)
IQAC Committee Minutes of the meeting dated 29th May 2024
<Merged Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_ 24-01-2024>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee 12/09/2023>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_ 13-02-2023>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Commiteee_02-09-2022>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_ 23-06-2022>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Commiteee_28-09-2021>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Commiteee_23-06-2021>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Commiteee_08-03-2021>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Commiteee_10-12-2019>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_17-06-2019>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_19-07-2018>
<Minutes of Meeting of IQAC Committee_8-01-2018>
Action Taken Reports (ATRs)
<ATR on the Reports of PTR Cycle - 3>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee 24/01/2024>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_12-09-2023>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_13-02-2023>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_02-09-2022>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_23-06-2022>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_28-09-2021>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_08-03-2021>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_10-12-2019>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_17-06-2019>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_19-07-2018>
<ATR on the Minutes of IQAC Committee_08-01-2018>
Institutional Distinctiveness
<Institutional Distinctiveness_SSR_Cycle - 4>
<Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-21>
<Institutional Distinctiveness 2019-20>
<Institutional Distinctiveness 2018-19>
Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)
<AAA_Academic Audit Manual with Formats>
<Jamia Hamdard_AAA Committees>
Academic Calendar of the University
<Academic Calendar 2023-24>
<Academic Calander 2017-18 to 2022-23>
<Academic Calendar 2021-22>
<Academic Calendar 2020-21>
<Academic Calendar 2019-20>
<Academic Calendar 2018-19>
Institutional Best Practices