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Notification Reg, Inclusion of Ms. Suchhanda Bhattacharya as a member of the Yoga Club.

Office Order Reg, Ms seema Rani & Ms.Gifty Bijo of Rufaida College of Nursing, SNSAH.

Notice Reg, appointed a clinical psychologist for psychological counseling to the students.

Office Order Reg, Functions of Research and Development Cell (RDC) in Jamia Hamdard 

Notification regarding official website of Jamia Hamdard

Notification Reg. General Election to Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi to be held on 5th February, 2025

Circular - Revised charges and booking form - Scholar House

Circular Reg. Proper Documentation & its Retention for upcoming CAG Audit.

Notification :- regarding the appoint of Director, R & D Cell

Office Order Regarding 76th Republic Day Celebration 2025

Appointment of Dr. Aisha Siddique as the Head of Department of Ilmul Advia, SUMER

Re-appointment of Prof. Suhail Fatima as a Head of Amraz-e-Niswan, SUMER

Extension of time line of Hamdard National Foundation Doctoral Fellowship for the academic year (2024-25)

List of employees superannuating from the services of Jamia Hamdard in the year 2025

Office Order Reg, Appointment of Director for Skills Development.

Notice of CoE regarding student appearing in MBBS 2nd Professional Annual University Examination 2024

Office Order reg OSD to Chancellor

Notification Reg, of the Jamia hamdard has appointed Dr. Ayoob C.P. as Director of the Jamia Hamdard Kannur Campus, Kerala.

Notice Reg, Mandatory Linking of Aadhaar with PAN for Income Tax Compliance.

Notification Reg, Inviting Applications for Engagement as Warden

Notification Reg, Fee-Concession for pursuing Ph.D. Programme from Jamia Hamdard as In-Service Candidate.

Student SII Portal

Office Order-Adoption of classes through ONLINE MODE due to severe Air Pollution (till Saturday 23rd November, 2024)




Suspention Notification of Dr. M.S. Kidwai, Addl. Medical Superintendent, Hakeem Abdul Hameed Centenary Hospital, Jamia Hamdard & In-charge, HR, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences/HAHCH

Joining Letter of Dean, HIMSR Dated: 11/11/24

Office Order Reg, a appoinment of Prof. Mohd Shahar Yar as Chief Proctor.

Office Order Reg, a appoinment of Prof. Hina Hamid.

Office Order Reg, Grant of Dearness Allowance to the regular employees of Jamia Hamdard on the revised rate effective from 1st July, 2024- reg.

Office Order Reg, a appoinment of Prof. Angamuthu SelvaPandiyan

Office Order Reg, a appoinment of Prof. Suhel Parvez.

Notification Dated 23.10.2024 amendment in MOA of Jamia Hamdard declaring HIMSR as a School under Jamia Hamdard

Notice to All Scheduled and Commercial Banks   

Notification Regarding the Discountinuation of National Skill Lab Project at JH as per the order issued by the funding agency  

Notification Reg. the re-appoint Prof. Khursheed A. Ansari as a Head of the Department of Tashreen, Jamia Hamdard.  

Notification Reg. the re-appoint Prof. Anwar Hussain Khan as a Head of the Department of Munafeul Aza. Jamia Hamdard.   

Office Order Reg, Restoration of grade pay to labortary technician (junior scale). 

Approval for offering PG (MD/MS) Medical Programmes by NMC/MCI for Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jamia Hamdard  

Office Order Reg. Admission to MBBS/MS/MD Courses/Programmes) 2024-25 in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR) Jamia Hamdard: Allotment of Boys and Girls Hostel and issue of university enrolment number - reg.      

Notification Reg, the appointment of Prof. Zikrur Rehman as Honorary Professor in Dept of International Studies, jamia hamdard.   

Notification Reg. Adoption of National Pension System (New Pension Scheme) for the Employees of Jamia Hamdard   

Notification Reg. utilization of Jamia Hamdard Relief and Welfare Fund  

Notification - Guidelines reg monthly remuneration or salary of contractual teaching staff   

Circular Reg, One Day Training Programme on"Digital Signature Technology" on August 27, 2024  

Public Notice Reg. Admission to MBBS/MS/MD Courses/Programes 2024-25 in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR) Jamia Hamdard   

Notification Reg. Submission of Nomination for Gratuity/Death Gratuity as per Enclosed Form (H)  

Circular Reg. Submission of Nomination Form for Gratuity/Death Gratuity  

Office Order Reg. Enhancement of the Rates of Various Allowances - reg.   

Public Notice regarding Admission of MBBS/MS/MD Programmes 2024-25 in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR) Jamia Hamdard and Deposit of Fees 

Office Order regarding submission of "Form of Option along with the Undertaking" after promotion/MACPS.    

Circular regarding celebration of the 78th Independence Day on 15th August, 2024(Thursday).     

Notification - Reg. Joint Declaration (order & Proforma) for husband & wife for availing benefits   

Notification Reg. Celebration of Anti-Ragging Week 2024   

Notification Reg. Submission of Joint Declaration for Not-availing Various Benefits-Reg.   

The reconstituted School level Anti Ragging squad along with their responsibilities   

Notice Reg. Student enrolled in various UG/PG Programmes in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research-HIMSR Under Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi-Regarding  

Notification Reg. Constitution of Managing Committee - Sports complex JH - reg.  

Office Order Reg. Regulation of Children Education Allowance (CEA) claims - Reg.   

Circular Reg, MCD Advisory towards prevention of spread of Malaria, Dengue & Chikungunya.   

Office Order Reg. Visit of Ms. Syed Shehzadi, Hon'ble Member, National Commission forMinorities (NCM), Govt. of India to Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 19th July 2024 (Friday) - regarding   

Notification reg. Important Fee related notice to M.Sc Medical and other UG/PG students of JH   

Notification Dr. Arshad Hussain, Department of (SHSS).   

Notification Prof. Sayeed Ahmad , Department of (SIST)as Head of the Department of Food Technology.    

Notification Reg.Constitution of Jamia Hamdard Northeast Community (JHNC).   

TDS Certificate/Form 16(FY 2023-24)    

Notification Reg. Issue of Retired ID Card to all the retired/superannuated employees of Jamia Hamdard   

Office Order reg appointment of Prof. Mahmooduzzafar as Head of the Department of Botany, SCLS  

Office Order Reg. Regarding Renaming of Two Boy's Hostels    

Office Order Reg. Dr. Sajid Anwer  

Office Order reg Constitution/Reconstitution of Anti Ragging Committee, JH   

Office Order Reg. to appoint Prof. Parul Aggarwal, as Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, (SEST). 

Office Order Reg, Anti-Raqqinq Committee Jamia Hamdard duly constituted videOffice Order F.No. JH/RO/Anti-raqginq/2024/ICOR/63 dated 21st May. 2024   

Visit of the UGC Team to the Jamia Hamdard on 15 June 2024 (Saturday)   

Office Order Reg, The Vice-Chancellor is pleased to reconstitute the following PBAS(Performance Based Appraisal Sytem) CAS Committees with immediate effect or till further orders.   

Office Order Reg. Regulation of Children Education Allowance - CEA Guidelines  

Notification Reg. Deposit of MBBS/MD/MS Fee Notification in Jamia Hamdard HIMSR Account with J&K Bank Branch, Hamdard Nagar   

Notification reg Constitution/Reconstitution of Anti Ragging Committee, JH   

NSDC Training Certificate  

Office Order Reg. Academic Calendar 2023-2024 (Revised) regarding Summer Vacation   

Circular-Load shedding during Summer 2024 at Jamia Hamdard Campus, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi    

office order reg. Withholding of 10% Gratuity Payment in the case of outstanding estate dues and/or overpayment etc. to the JH employees - Reg.   

Annual performance Appraisal Report-2024 

Office order reg additional charge as University Librarian    

Notice Inviting Quotations for Rate of Interest for Deposit of Funds  

Office Order regarding the grant of Dearness Relief to the Jamia Hamdard Pensioners/Family Pensioners - 2024    

Office Order regarding the grant of Dearness Allowance to the Jamia Hamdard Employees - 2024   

Office Order regarding appointment of Programme Coordinators and Head of Discipline for technical programme     

Notification Reg, Reconstitution of internal complaints committee (ICC)  

Notification Reg, Prof. Sandhya Bawa     

Office order reg. Students Grievance Redressal Comm. 15 March 2024    

Circular for Senior Professor under UGC - CAS  

The last date for submission of application under BET 2024 and GATB 2024 has been extended up to 10th March 2024  

Office Order reg. appointment of Dr. Humaira Farooqi as Incharge, Day Care Centre  

Important Notice: Beware of Touts promising Admission in Jamia Hamdard for Academic Session 2024-2025    

Notification reg. NEP Coordinator/Nodal Officer JH   

Circular regarding Submission of Active Duty Report with UMS Attendance Timesheet Report   

Office Order of Reg. MACPS - Jamia Hamdard  

CIRCULAR- Sports & Cultural Week 2024  

Notification- Appointment of Prof. Manju Sharma, as HoD, Pharmacology     

Notification- Constitution of Board of Studies - CESD    

Notification- Sports and Cultural week core committee    

Circular - Organizing of Sports and Cultural Week 2024   

Notice for Postponement of Walk-in-Interview dated 15-2-24 and 16-2-24    


Deposit of Fee of UG/PG Medical programmes of students of Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research-HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard   

Office_Order dt 05.02.2024 Reg. Campus Entry Restrictions of Prof.Mridu Dudeja   

Office Order Reg.  Completion of tenure of Dr. G. N. Qazi   

Office Order Reg. Appointment of Mr. Mushtaq A. Zargar Advisor (Finance) in Jamia Hamdard,New Delhi   

JH Office Order Regarding Restriction of Campus entry Mr. Javed Naseem      

Notification Reg appointment of Prof. Khaja Naseeruddin as Dean, HIMSR   



Notification Allotment rules  

Notification regarding Reconstitution of the Committee for Scientific and International Collaboration   

Revised Notification regarding half day leave on 22.01.2024  

Notification regarding Adoption of payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 for the employees of Jamia Hamdard 

Notification Reg, the conversion of HIMSR into' School of Medical Sciences and Research, Jamia Hamdard 

Re-Constitution of Proctorial Committee  

Notification-Unnat Bharat  

Notification MBBS exam 

Appointment of Cultural Coordinator  

Re-constitution of various academic and administrative committees   

Constitution of Planning & Development Cell 

Appointment of NSS Coordinators of Jamia Hamdard  

Re-constitute of various club committees.  

Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)  

Regarding compliance of 2nd Amendment in UGC Regulations  

Circular Estab LD 1765   

Circular Estab LD 1766   

Notification - List of Holidays for the Year 2024  

Office Order- 1732 Regarding BAMS_231222_200744 

Display of Workshop Notification Brochure & Flyer