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Greetings from Brien Holden Institute of Optometry and Vision Sciences(BHIOVS), L V Prasad Eye Institute(LVPEI).

L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) over the last three decades offering a path breaking optometry and vision science training programs to provide the qualified optometry professionals to meet the eye care needs of our country.

This year also LVPEI offered admissions into various optometry training programs including summer internship in optometryclinical internship in optometry and post graduate diploma in optometry and vision science(PGDOVS).

We are seeking admissions to a unique Residency in Contact Lenses program, please find the below attached program brochure and application form for more details.

Please share the admission notification with all our optometry colleagues and friends in seeking the best applicants.

Please write to [email protected] for more information on program and admissions.

Residency in Contact Lenses _2019

Residency in CL_application form