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The Department is exclusively dedicated to advanced studies, research, and teaching on Human Rights and Political Science.

The broad objectives of the department and the programs of the study is to develop a critical understanding of the issues related to Politics, Governance, and related thematic issues, like Sustainable Development, Environment, Human Rights Law, and Humanitarian Law, etc.


To emerge as a major centre of studies on human rights in India and abroad.


  • To promote inter/multidisciplinary studies on the critical dimensions of human rights.
  • To promote advance studies on contemporary scientific and technological challenges to human rights.
  • To promote field and case study-based learnings.
  • To collaborate with human rights action groups and study centres, nationally and internationally.
  • To serve as a model centre of human rights studies in South Asia.


  • Conceptual and theoretical foundations and legal framework of human rights
  • Human rights, Democracy and decentralization, Constitution and Governance
  • Health humanities and pandemic governance
  • Human rights concerned issues and challenges
  • International human rights Laws and Humanitarian laws and their implementation
  • International and national actions and initiatives against violations of Human Rights
  • Protection and Promotion of Human rights, NHRIs, and other human rights institutions
  • Multiculturalism and Minorities related human rights issues
  • Human rights and ethnicity and administration of tribal areas
  • Human Rights, Globalization and Development, and ecological concerns of development
  • United Nations bodies and regional mechanisms for human rights
  • International Adjudication and resolution of disputes
  • Environmental governance and disaster management
  • Disaster Management and Human Rights
  • Good Governance and role of Government Schemes
  • Human Rights and refugees, children, women, workers, aged and disabled people, Indigenous people
  • Role of different Commissions, Institutions, and International Agencies
  • Migrant workers, labour-related issues and laws, Human Rights
  • Human rights and environmental issues and emerging problems
  • Scientific advancements and information communication technology
  • Human rights, state, media, and NGOs
  • Public health, water, hygiene, and education
  • Regional/social movements and Human Rights
  • Human rights and criminal justice system, police, prison, and court system.
  • Case study-based research on surrounding areas.

Best Practices

  • The department follows relevant university and UGC norms towards academic and administrative governance.
  • Within the broad ambit of each paper taught students’ preferences for any specific lessons and content are duly accommodated.
  • Students are encouraged to do internships in professional as well as government institutions/bodies.
  • Extensive mentoring of students by teachers.
  • Promotion of self-study by the students.
  • Online data and reference support.
  • Research intensive teaching.
  • Project writing.

Why to Choose Us?

  • Career Prospects: The Department has an outstanding record of student placement in Academic Institutions, UN Agencies, National and State Commissions, NGOs, Courts, Embassies and other Government Offices
  • Internship Opportunities: Each year a good number of students are selected for internships at various commissions – NHRC, NCW, NCSC, NCST, etc. – and other Governmental and Non-governmental Organization/Institutions.
  • Field Studies, Outreach, and Extension Lectures/Activities
  • Infrastructure and Facilities: The University is well equipped with facilities like Sports Ground, Auditoriums, Library, Cafeteria, Classrooms, Computer Lab and others.


M. A. (Political Science)

This Programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive and rigorous education in political science, equipping them with the analytical tools, critical thinking skills, and knowledge necessary to engage meaningfully with complex political issues at local, national, and global levels. Foster a diverse and inclusive learning environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, and respectful dialogue.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • Encourage the students to develop conceptual understanding of Political Science and analyse the significance of it in the globalizing world order.
  • Inspire the students to analyse the origin and evolution of important concepts in Political Science and their significance in contemporary world order.
  • Critical evaluation of socioeconomic and political factors for a proper understanding of the diverse Indian society.
  • Building overall consciousness regarding national Political History, International Relations and present Indian and Western political thinkers.

M. A. (Human Rights)

Launched in 2009, M.A. in Human Rights is the reputed flagship program of Jamia Hamdard, which equally evinces the interest of foreign students and Indian students. Human Rights discipline currently is in great demand across the world. It is attracting not only Indian students but also foreign students in large numbers.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • To create awareness about global and national standards for the realization of Human Rights.
  • To train and sensitize students to take responsibility for promoting and protecting Human Rights.
  • To mainstream the empowerment of women and other groups with special status through training and development programs.
  • To contribute to a better environment where the rights of all people are protected.

Ph. D. in Political Science (Regular and Part-Time)

The Ph. D. in Political Science aims to provide students with the necessary abilities to comprehend the ideas and methodologies of political science. It also aims to assist students in cultivating intellectual autonomy, academic writing skills, and the capacity to articulate intricate subjects. It provides students with abilities to present complex issues, foster intellectual independence, and enhance academic writing to prepare them for career options in academia or industry.

The objectives of the programme are:

  • To utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate complex political issues, formulate research questions, collect and analyse data, and draw well-supported conclusions.
  • To develop advanced analytical skills to critically evaluate scholarly literature, empirical evidence, and policy debates in political science.
  • To critically analyse political issues, events, and data.
  • To develop abilities for publishing quality research.

Ph. D. in Human Rights (Regular and Part-Time)

A Ph.D. program provides an opportunity to delve deeply into the theoretical framework and contemporary issues within the field of human rights. The program equips students with the analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and methodological tools necessary to engage in rigorous research and analysis within the field of human rights.

Students pursuing a Ph.D. in Human Rights are driven by a commitment to social justice and positive change. Through their research, they can influence policy development, legal reforms and grassroots activism. It will ultimately help in promoting and protecting human rights at local, national, and international levels.

Some of the objectives of the programme are:

  • To train students in the art and science of interpretation and discourse analysis
  • To develop competencies required to be an effective researcher in the area of Human Rights.
  • To strengthen the theoretical basis of students through a concentrated framework of Human Rights discipline.
  • To develop abilities for publishing quality research.


Prof. Syed Mehartaj Begum, Head and Professor

(Email: [email protected] ; 9871037730 )

Dr. Faisal Mahmood, Assistant Professor

(Email: [email protected] ; 8954697870)

Dr. Shazia Parween, Assistant Professor

(Email: [email protected] ; 9971541223)