Internal Complaint Cell, Jamia Hamdard
The University has constituted the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), in pursuance of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 and the rules framed there under. The present ICC as per notification No Estab/LD/72, dated 17 January, 2023, is comprised of the following members:
1. Prof. Sandhya Bawa (Presiding officer)
2. Dr. Farheen Malick External Member
Former member Delhi Commission for Women
3. Dr. Hinna Hamid Member (Teaching)
4. Dr. Azhar Jabeen Member (Teaching)
5. Dr. Burhan Majid Member (Teaching)
6. Mrs. Nahid Chaudhary Member (Non-Teaching)
7. Mr. Rukmesh Kumar Member (Non-Teaching
Apart from the above, three students are also elected as members of this committee.
1. Ms. Bhumika Chopra, B. Pharma, UG program
2. Mr. Mohd. Imran, M.A. Human Rights, SHSS, P.G. Program
3. Ms. Mehvish Habib, SIST, Ph.D.
This is to bring to the notice of all students/staff members that any complaint related to sexual harassment in Jamia Hamdard is to be submitted in writing or through email to the undersigned.
Your complaint may be anonymous but the particulars about the complainee & details of the incidents are required to be submitted in detail.
Your complaint will be dealt with complete confidentiality.
For any query related to ICC please contact at [email protected]
Prof. Sandhya Bawa
Presiding Officer,
ICC Jamia Hamdard