Scholars House
In the campus there is a guest house called Scholars’ House with 12 double-bed air-conditioned rooms and 27 single-bed rooms, out of
which 18 single-bed rooms are air-conditioned and 9 single-bed rooms are air cooled, 4 flats with 4 air-conditioned bed-Rooms with living room, dining room and a small lounge equipped with telephone, television, refrigerator and a small kitchenette, with atten
dant to provide all the comforts require d is also a part of our guest house. Besides accommodating University guests, outside examiners, members of the selection board, this guest house is used for residential conferences and has proved very useful for the participants of the conferences.
Scholars House is primarily meant for scholars coming from all over the world. Interaction with the teachers/university of the world over is possible here. Our tariff is affordable and attractive for foreign students coming to India.
Over a period of time the kitchen of Scholars’ house has earned a good name for itself. As this institution is for better health and education, healthy and nutritious food, as well as old recipes of good old days are revived, which are not to be found anywhere now. Besides, the kitchen is also serving doctors of Majeedia Hospital and providing them food under hygienic condition. In a ‘trial Kitchen’ various recipes are tried and introduced in the menu for the conferences and meetings. We also cater food to outsiders upon request.

The Scholars’ House consists of the following facilities